If you choose to upgrade to our Pro plan, and you definitely should π, our way to capture it will be through PayPal.
PayPal is one of the safest and fastest ways to make payments online! This is exactly the reason why we're using them to collect payments.
Don't have a PayPal account? It's easy to create one! Go to www.paypal.com and click on the Sign Up button.
When subscribing to our pro plan, you will need to authorize and give permission for funds to be taken out of your PayPal account each month.
The whole process is automatically done for you and if it's a monthly subscription, you will pay $20(if the 31% off discount is still active) once a month.
If it's a yearly subscription, you will pay once our super discounted yearly price and the next payment will be taken only a year after that.
We just recently introduced our yearly subscription deal, so make sure to check it out!
Important thing you should know:
You need an active and approved credit card to be connected to your PayPal account in order to subscribe to Ecomhunt's monthly/yearly pro plan.
This is coming from PayPal and it's not coming from Ecomhunt - This is a security measure PayPal uses in case you don't have enough funds. In this case, your connected credit card will be charged.
PayPal requires to have a connected credit card for many other services like Facebook ads, Google ads, etc.
Good news to those who can't have a PayPal account:
We will soon start accepting credit card payments for our monthly and yearly Pro plans!
It's almost 100% percent ready and we're in the final stages to allow credit card payments. So if you can't pay with PayPal, just wait a bit for the credit card option to go LIVE.
Want to know more about our amazing Pro plan and take your Dropshipping business to the next level?
Learn more here: www.ecomhuntnow.com