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Reduce Your Store's Loading Time
Reduce Your Store's Loading Time

Customers don’t like waiting and it’s the same for both physical and online stores.

Written by Daniel A
Updated over a week ago

Did your site visitor wait an extra second for your online store to load?
Congratulations! You just lost a customer. 

It's easy... If you don't want to lose potential customers, your website has to load quickly.
Especially if you have an online store and you're driving paid traffic!

The cause for slow loading speed can be a lot of things:

The usual suspects are the images, banners and other media files that are too heavy and cause the site to load slowly.

For example: Instead of uploading JPEG image files, store owners upload their images in a PNG format. And if you didn’t know, PNG files are usually heavier than JPEG files.

So if your media is causing your store to load slowly, here’s what you should do:

First of all, use TinyPNG’s awesome free online service to compress your PNG and JPEG files.
Next, check your site’s speed on GTmetrix. Their free service is great and they’ll compare your site’s score to the average worldwide score.

Make sure to read and follow GTmetrix suggestions to reduce your store's loading time.
*need pic of gtmetrix checkup here please*

Another tool you can use is PageSpeed Insights by google:

Remember to upload only compressed pictures or use Shopify apps that can automatically do it for you. Don’t bombard your product page with heavy GIFs and spammy apps.

In order to increase your conversion rate, your customers need to have a fast and clean buying experience.

Good Luck!

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